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Parameters to control Property Execution.

  • seed: the seed for the source of Randomness
  • num_samples: the number of samples to produce from the property generator
  • max_shrink_rounds: the maximum rounds of shrinking to perform
  • max_generator_retries: the maximum number of retries to do if a generator fails to generate a sample
  • timeout: the timeout for the PonyTest runner, in nanoseconds
  • async: if true the property is expected to finish asynchronously by calling PropertyHelper.complete(...)
class val PropertyParams is
  Stringable box





new val create(
  num_samples': USize val = 100,
  seed': U64 val = call,
  max_shrink_rounds': USize val = 10,
  max_generator_retries': USize val = 5,
  timeout': U64 val = 60000000000,
  async': Bool val = false)
: PropertyParams val^


  • num_samples': USize val = 100
  • seed': U64 val = call
  • max_shrink_rounds': USize val = 10
  • max_generator_retries': USize val = 5
  • timeout': U64 val = 60000000000
  • async': Bool val = false


Public fields

let seed: U64 val


let num_samples: USize val


let max_shrink_rounds: USize val


let max_generator_retries: USize val


let timeout: U64 val


let async: Bool val


Public Functions



fun box string()
: String iso^
