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Constrained Types package

The constrained types package provides a standard means for encoding domain constraints using the Pony type system.

For example, in your applications domain, you have usernames that must be between 6 and 12 characters and can only contain lower case ASCII letters. The constrained types package allows you to express those constraints in the type system and assure that your usernames conform.

The key user supplied component of constrained types is a Validator. A validator takes a base type and confirms that meets certain criteria. You then have a type of Constrained[BaseType, ValidatedBy] to enforce the constraint via the Pony type system.


For the sake of simplicity, let's represent a username as a constrained String. Here's a full Pony program that takes a potential username as a command line argument and validates whether is is acceptable as a username and if it is, prints the username. Note, that the "username printing" function will only take a valid username and there's no way to create a Username that doesn't involve going through the validation step:

use "constrained_types"

actor Main
  let _env: Env

  new create(env: Env) =>
    _env = env

      let arg1 = env.args(1)?
      let username = MakeUsername(arg1)
      match username
      | let u: Username =>
      | let e: ValidationFailure =>

  fun print_username(username: Username) =>
    _env.out.print(username() + " is a valid username!")

  fun print_errors(errors: ValidationFailure) =>
    _env.err.print("Unable to create username")
    for s in errors.errors().values() do
      _env.err.print("\t- " + s)

type Username is Constrained[String, UsernameValidator]
type MakeUsername is MakeConstrained[String, UsernameValidator]

primitive UsernameValidator is Validator[String]
  fun apply(string: String): ValidationResult =>
    // We do all our work in a recover block so we
    // can mutate any failure object before returning
    // it as a `val`.
    recover val
      let errors: Array[String] = Array[String]()

      // Isn't too big or too small
      if (string.size() < 6) or (string.size() > 12) then
        let msg = "Username must be between 6 and 12 characters"

      // Every character is valid
      for c in string.values() do
        if (c < 97) or (c > 122) then
          errors.push("Username can only contain lower case ASCII characters")

      // If no errors, return success
      if errors.size() == 0 then
        // We have some errors, let's package them all up
        // and return the failure
        let failure = ValidationFailure
        for e in errors.values() do


Let's dig into that code some:

type Username is Constrained[String, UsernameValidator] defines a type Username that is Constrained type. Constrained is a generic type that takes two type arguments: the base type being constrained and the validator used to validate that base type conforms to our constraints. So, Username is an alias for a String that has been constrained using the UsernameValidator.

type MakeUsername is MakeConstrained[String, UsernameValidator] is another type alias. It's a nice name for "constraint constructor" type MakeConstrained. Like Constrained, MakeConstrained takes the base type being constrained and the validator used.

primitive UsernameValidator is Validator[String] is our validator for the Username type. It's single function apply takes a String and examines it returning either ValidationSuccess or ValidationFailure.

On our usage side we have:

    let username = MakeUsername(arg1)
    match username
    | let u: Username =>
    | let e: ValidationFailure =>

Where we use the MakeUsername alias that we use to attempt to create a Username and get back either a Username or ValidationFailure that should have one ore more error messages for us to display.

Finally, we have a function that can only be used with a valid Username:

fun print_username(username: Username) =>
  _env.out.print(username() + " is a valid username!")

In a "real program", we would be doing more complicated things with our Username safe in the knowledge that it will always be between 6 and 12 characters and only contain lower case ASCII values.


val Entities only

It is important to note that only val entities can be used with the constrained types package. If an entity was mutable, then it could be changed in a way that violates the constraints after it was validated. And that wouldn't be very useful.

Valdatior Requirements

Because validators must:

  • Be val
  • Have a zero argument constructor that returns a val Validator

We recommend using primitive for your validators although, using a class is supported. However, given that validators are required to be stateless, there is no advantage to using a class instead of a primitive.

The interface for validators is:

interface val Validator[T]
  new val create()
  fun apply(i: T): ValidationResult

Validators aren't Composable

Also note, that unfortunately, there is no way with the Pony type system to be able to compose validators. You can't for example have a function that takes a "must be lower case" String and use a Username in place of it. We know that the Username type has been validated to be "only lower case strings", but there's no way to represent that in the type system.

Public Types