
use @pony_asio_event_create[AsioEventID](
  owner: AsioEventNotify,
  fd: U32,
  flags: U32,
  nsec: U64,
  noisy: Bool)
use @pony_asio_event_unsubscribe[None](event: AsioEventID)
use @pony_asio_event_destroy[None](event: AsioEventID)

actor SignalHandler is AsioEventNotify
  Listen for a specific signal.
  If the wait parameter is true, the program will not terminate until the SignalHandler's dispose method is called, or if the SignalNotify returns false, after handling the signal as this also disposes the SignalHandler and unsubscribes it.

  let _notify: SignalNotify
  let _sig: U32
  var _event: AsioEventID

  new create(notify: SignalNotify iso, sig: U32, wait: Bool = false) =>
    Create a signal handler.
    _notify = consume notify
    _sig = sig
    _event =
      @pony_asio_event_create(this, 0, AsioEvent.signal(), sig.u64(), wait)

  be raise() =>
    Raise the signal.

  be dispose() =>
    Dispose of the signal handler.

  be _event_notify(event: AsioEventID, flags: U32, arg: U32) =>
    Called when the signal is received, or when the AsioEventID can be
    if AsioEvent.disposable(flags) then
    elseif event is _event then
      if not _notify(arg) then

  fun ref _dispose() =>
    Dispose of the AsioEventID.
    if not _event.is_null() then
      _event = AsioEvent.none()