use "collections"
use pc = "collections/persistent"
primitive _CommandSpecLeaf
primitive _CommandSpecParent
type _CommandSpecType is (_CommandSpecLeaf | _CommandSpecParent )
class CommandSpec
CommandSpec describes the specification of a parent or leaf command. Each
command has the following attributes:
- a name: a simple string token that identifies the command.
- a description: used in the syntax message.
- a map of options: the valid options for this command.
- an optional help option+command name for help parsing
- one of:
- a Map of child commands.
- an Array of arguments.
let _type: _CommandSpecType
let _name: String
let _descr: String
let _options: Map[String, OptionSpec] = _options.create()
var _help_name: String = ""
var _help_info: String = ""
// A parent commands can have sub-commands; leaf commands can have args.
let _commands: Map[String, CommandSpec box] = _commands.create()
let _args: Array[ArgSpec] = _args.create()
new parent(
name': String,
descr': String = "",
options': Array[OptionSpec] box = Array[OptionSpec](),
commands': Array[CommandSpec] box = Array[CommandSpec]()) ?
Creates a command spec that can accept options and child commands, but not
_type = _CommandSpecParent
_name = _assertName(name')?
_descr = descr'
for o in options'.values() do
_options.update(, o)
for c in commands'.values() do
_commands.update(, c)
new leaf(
name': String,
descr': String = "",
options': Array[OptionSpec] box = Array[OptionSpec](),
args': Array[ArgSpec] box = Array[ArgSpec]()) ?
Creates a command spec that can accept options and arguments, but not child
_type = _CommandSpecLeaf
_name = _assertName(name')?
_descr = descr'
for o in options'.values() do
_options.update(, o)
for a in args'.values() do
fun tag _assertName(nm: String): String ? =>
for b in nm.values() do
if (b != '-') and (b != '_') and
not ((b >= '0') and (b <= '9')) and
not ((b >= 'A') and (b <= 'Z')) and
not ((b >= 'a') and (b <= 'z')) then
fun ref add_command(cmd: CommandSpec box) ? =>
Adds an additional child command to this parent command.
if is_leaf() then error end
_commands.update(, cmd)
fun ref add_help(hname: String = "help", descr': String = "") ? =>
Adds a standard help option and, optionally command, to a root command.
_help_name = hname
_help_info = descr'
let help_option = OptionSpec.bool(_help_name, _help_info, 'h', false)
_options.update(_help_name, help_option)
if is_parent() then
let help_cmd = CommandSpec.leaf(_help_name, "", Array[OptionSpec](), [
ArgSpec.string("command" where default' = "")
_commands.update(_help_name, help_cmd)
fun name(): String =>
Returns the name of this command.
fun descr(): String =>
Returns the description for this command.
fun options(): Map[String, OptionSpec] box =>
Returns a map by name of the named options of this command.
fun commands(): Map[String, CommandSpec box] box =>
Returns a map by name of the child commands of this command.
fun args(): Array[ArgSpec] box =>
Returns an array of the positional arguments of this command.
fun is_leaf(): Bool => _type is _CommandSpecLeaf
fun is_parent(): Bool => _type is _CommandSpecParent
fun help_name(): String =>
Returns the name of the help command, which defaults to "help".
fun help_string(): String =>
Returns a formated help string for this command and all of its arguments.
let s = _name.clone()
s.append(" ")
let args_iter = _args.values()
for a in args_iter do
if args_iter.has_next() then s.append(" ") end
class val OptionSpec
OptionSpec describes the specification of a named Option. They have a name,
descr(iption), a short-name, a typ(e), and a default value when they are not
Options can be placed anywhere before or after commands, and can be thought
of as named arguments.
let _name: String
let _descr: String
let _short: (U8 | None)
let _typ: _ValueType
let _default: _Value
let _required: Bool
fun tag _init(typ': _ValueType, default': (_Value | None))
: (_ValueType, _Value, Bool)
match default'
| None => (typ', false, true)
| let d: _Value => (typ', d, false)
new val bool(
name': String,
descr': String = "",
short': (U8 | None) = None,
default': (Bool | None) = None)
Creates an Option with a Bool typed value that can be used like
`--opt` or `-O` or `--opt=true` or `-O=true`
to yield an option value like
`cmd.option("opt").bool() == true`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
_short = short'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_BoolType, default')
new val string(
name': String,
descr': String = "",
short': (U8 | None) = None,
default': (String | None) = None)
Creates an Option with a String typed value that can be used like
`--file=dir/filename` or `-F=dir/filename` or `-Fdir/filename`
to yield an option value like
`cmd.option("file").string() == "dir/filename"`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
_short = short'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_StringType, default')
new val i64(name': String,
descr': String = "",
short': (U8 | None) = None,
default': (I64 | None) = None)
Creates an Option with an I64 typed value that can be used like
`--count=42 -C=42`
to yield an option value like
`cmd.option("count").i64() == I64(42)`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
_short = short'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_I64Type, default')
new val u64(name': String,
descr': String = "",
short': (U8 | None) = None,
default': (U64 | None) = None)
Creates an Option with an U64 typed value that can be used like
`--count=47 -C=47`
to yield an option value like
`cmd.option("count").u64() == U64(47)`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
_short = short'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_U64Type, default')
new val f64(name': String,
descr': String = "",
short': (U8 | None) = None,
default': (F64 | None) = None)
Creates an Option with a F64 typed value that can be used like
`--ratio=1.039` or `-R=1.039`
to yield an option value like
`cmd.option("ratio").f64() == F64(1.039)`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
_short = short'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_F64Type, default')
new val string_seq(
name': String,
descr': String = "",
short': (U8 | None) = None)
Creates an Option with a ReadSeq[String] typed value that can be used like
`--files=file1 --files=files2 --files=files2`
to yield a sequence of three strings equivalent to
`cmd.option("ratio").string_seq() (equiv) ["file1"; "file2"; "file3"]`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
_short = short'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_StringSeqType, _StringSeq.empty())
fun name(): String =>
Returns the name of this option.
fun descr(): String =>
Returns the description for this option.
fun _typ_p(): _ValueType => _typ
fun _default_p(): _Value => _default
fun required(): Bool =>
Returns true iff this option is required to be present in the command line.
// Other than bools, all options require args.
fun _requires_arg(): Bool =>
match _typ
| let _: _BoolType => false
// Used for bool options to get the true arg when option is present w/o arg
fun _default_arg(): _Value =>
match _typ
| let _: _BoolType => true
fun _has_short(sh: U8): Bool =>
match _short
| let ss: U8 => sh == ss
fun help_string(): String =>
Returns a formated help string for this option.
let s =
match _short
| let ss: U8 => "-" + String.from_utf32(ss.u32()) + ", "
" "
s + "--" + _name +
if not _required then "=" + _default.string() else "" end
fun deb_string(): String =>
"--" + _name + "[" + _typ.string() + "]" +
if not _required then "(=" + _default.string() + ")" else "" end
class val ArgSpec
ArgSpec describes the specification of a positional Arg(ument). They have a
name, descr(iption), a typ(e), and a default value when they are not
Args always come after a leaf command, and are assigned in their positional
let _name: String
let _descr: String
let _typ: _ValueType
let _default: _Value
let _required: Bool
fun tag _init(typ': _ValueType, default': (_Value | None))
: (_ValueType, _Value, Bool)
match default'
| None => (typ', false, true)
| let d: _Value => (typ', d, false)
new val bool(
name': String,
descr': String = "",
default': (Bool | None) = None)
Creates an Arg with a Bool typed value that can be used like
`<cmd> true`
to yield an arg value like
`cmd.arg("opt").bool() == true`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_BoolType, default')
new val string(
name': String,
descr': String = "",
default': (String | None) = None)
Creates an Arg with a String typed value that can be used like
`<cmd> filename`
to yield an arg value
`cmd.arg("file").string() == "filename"`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_StringType, default')
new val i64(name': String,
descr': String = "",
default': (I64 | None) = None)
Creates an Arg with an I64 typed value that can be used like
`<cmd> 42`
to yield an arg value like
`cmd.arg("count").i64() == I64(42)`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_I64Type, default')
new val u64(name': String,
descr': String = "",
default': (U64 | None) = None)
Creates an Arg with an U64 typed value that can be used like
`<cmd> 47`
to yield an arg value like
`cmd.arg("count").u64() == U64(47)`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_U64Type, default')
new val f64(name': String,
descr': String = "",
default': (F64 | None) = None)
Creates an Arg with a F64 typed value that can be used like
`<cmd> 1.039`
to yield an arg value like
`cmd.arg("ratio").f64() == F64(1.039)`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_F64Type, default')
new val string_seq(
name': String,
descr': String = "")
Creates an Arg with a ReadSeq[String] typed value that can be used like
`<cmd> file1 file2 file3`
to yield a sequence of three strings equivalent to
`cmd.arg("file").string_seq() (equiv) ["file1"; "file2"; "file3"]`.
_name = name'
_descr = descr'
(_typ, _default, _required) = _init(_StringSeqType, _StringSeq.empty())
fun name(): String =>
Returns the name of this arg.
fun descr(): String =>
Returns the description for this arg.
fun _typ_p(): _ValueType => _typ
fun _default_p(): _Value => _default
fun required(): Bool =>
Returns true iff this arg is required to be present in the command line.
fun help_string(): String =>
Returns a formated help string for this arg.
"<" + _name + ">"
fun deb_string(): String =>
_name + "[" + _typ.string() + "]" +
if not _required then "(=" + _default.string() + ")" else "" end
class _StringSeq is ReadSeq[String]
_StringSeq is a wrapper / helper class for working with String sequence
values while parsing. It assists in collecting the strings as they are
parsed, and producing a ReadSeq[String] as a result.
let strings: pc.Vec[String]
new val empty() =>
strings = pc.Vec[String]
new val from_string(s: String) =>
strings = (pc.Vec[String]).push(s)
new val from_concat(ss0: _StringSeq val, ss1: _StringSeq val) =>
strings = ss0.strings.concat(ss1.strings.values())
fun string(): String iso^ =>
let str = recover String() end
for s in strings.values() do
if str.size() > 1 then str.push(',') end
fun size(): USize => strings.size()
fun apply(i: USize): this->String ? => strings(i)?
fun values(): Iterator[this->String]^ => strings.values()
type _Value is (Bool | String | I64 | U64 | F64 | _StringSeq val)
trait val _ValueType
fun string(): String
fun value_of(s: String): _Value ?
fun is_seq(): Bool => false
fun append(v1: _Value, v2: _Value): _Value => v1
primitive _BoolType is _ValueType
fun string(): String => "Bool"
fun value_of(s: String): _Value ? => s.bool()?
primitive _StringType is _ValueType
fun string(): String => "String"
fun value_of(s: String): _Value => s
primitive _I64Type is _ValueType
fun string(): String => "I64"
fun value_of(s: String): _Value ? => s.i64()?
primitive _U64Type is _ValueType
fun string(): String => "U64"
fun value_of(s: String): _Value ? => s.u64()?
primitive _F64Type is _ValueType
fun string(): String => "F64"
fun value_of(s: String): _Value ? => s.f64()?
primitive _StringSeqType is _ValueType
fun string(): String => "ReadSeq[String]"
fun value_of(s: String): _Value => _StringSeq.from_string(s)
fun is_seq(): Bool => true
fun append(v1: _Value, v2: _Value): _Value =>
When is_seq() returns true, append() is called during parsing to append
a new parsed value onto an existing value.
_StringSeq.from_concat(v1 as _StringSeq val, v2 as _StringSeq val)